Редакционно-издательская деятельность


The article presents the characteristics of high-viscosity oil recovery at the Yaregskaya field and describes various oil recovery methods. Geological-and-physical characteristics of the producing reservoir are considered. The reservoir recovery rate during the thermal mining of high-viscosity oil recovery is given. Two-level mining system for thermal mining of high-viscosity oil recovery in oil mines of the Yaregskaya field, which can be a good example for the development of other high-viscosity oil fields in Russia. The impact of harmful occupational factors that can cause occupational diseases among underground workers is noted. Keywords: the KOMI REPUBLIC, YAREGSKOE HIGH-VISCOSITY OIL FIELD, OIL MINE, THERMAL MINING OF OIL RECOVERY, LABOR CONDITIONS, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE. Imprint: Fomin A.I. Yaregskoe high-viscosity oil field development characteristic. Bulletin of Scientific Centre VostNII for Industrial and Environmental Safety. 2019. № 1. pp. 75-81.

Авторы:  A.I. Fomin
Файл статьи:  Загрузить

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